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A moderated electronic discussion list for social scientists researching Japan

maintained by the

Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo

Previous postings are available at the SSJ-Forum Archive
Introduction to SSJ-FORUM
How to subscribe to SSJ-FORUM
How to send a message to SSJ-FORUM
The management team and founding members
To unsubscribe
Delivery problems

Introduction to SSJ-FORUM

SSJ-Forum aims to stimulate dialogue among researchers doing social science and political economy of Japan. The list enables scholars to:

  • communicate current research interests
  • discuss new books, papers, approaches, and articles
  • test new ideas
  • share comments and tips on teaching courses on Japan

SSJ-Forum also carries: (with no attachment)

  • announcements of new books and journals
  • book reviews
  • news of conferences
  • calls for papers
  • information on fellowships and jobs

Organizations are welcome to announce conferences, calls for papers, new publications, and job openings for Japan-oriented political scientists. Please contact the moderators at Note that SSJ-Forum cannot forward any attachment to the subscribers.

SSJ stands for Social Science Japan, the quarterly newsletter of the Institute of Social Science. The newsletter carries short articles on trends in social science studies of Japan and reviews of recent Japanese social science publications. Part of the role of SSJ-Forum is to make Social Science Japan interactive, linking authors and readers in a discussion of points raised in the articles. (Social Science Japan ceased publication in 2019.)

Subscribers write in with questions, comments, and reports, which are screened by the moderators before being forwarded to subscribers' e-mail accounts. Messages to SSJ-Forum are in English, as many members outside of Japan lack the software necessary for displaying Japanese characters. Please refer to the SSJ-Forum Guidelines when sending messages to the mailing list.

Subscription to SSJ-Forum is free. Copyright on each message remains with the original author. Please be sure to obtain the consent of the author of any message before quoting it in a publication.

How to subscribe to SSJ-FORUM

If you wish to subscribe to the SSJ-Forum mailing list, please click on the following link:

How to send a message to SSJ-FORUM

Please send your message to The moderator will read the message and, if it is judged to be of sufficient interest to members of the list, your post will be sent out to the SSJ-Forum subscribers within three working days. It will also appear in the SSJ-Forum archives.

Please note that it is necessary to subscribe to SSJ-Forum in order to send a message for distribution to the Forum. In order to send a message to the moderator, you need to send it from the email address that is registered with the Forum.

The Management Team and Founding Members

The moderator's role is to ensure that members do not receive irrelevant or annoying messages.

The board's chief role is to make list members feel comfortable in sending posts related to the large range of topics and approaches represented by the board members. Founding members have no influence over everyday decisions on what to and what not to post, which are the responsibility of the manager and moderators alone. The founding members are only consulted on general policy matters and matters related to their field of expertise.

Forum Manager and Moderator

  • Masahiro SHOJI (Manager)
    Professor, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
  • Tatsuya ISEKI (Moderator)
    Project Researcher, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo

Founding Members

    Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of Michigan
  • Kiichi FUJIWARA
    Professor, Graduate School of Law and Politics, University of Tokyo
    Associate Professor, The University of New South Wales/ADFA
  • Carol GLUCK
    Professor, Columbia University
  • Ehud HARARI
    Professor Emeritus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Adjunct Professor, The Interdisciplinary Center in Herzlia
  • Hiroshi ISHIDA
    Professor, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
  • Junko KATO
    Professor, Graduate School of Law and Politics, University of Tokyo
  • Masaru KOHNO
    Professor, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University
  • Yoshiko KOJO
    Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
  • Ellis KRAUSS
    Professor, The School of Global Policy and Strategy, Univeresity of California, San Diego
  • Gerhard LEHMBRUCH
    Professor, University of Konstanz.
  • Hayden LESBIREL
    Associate Professor, School of Humanities, James Cook University
  • Jonathan LEWIS
    Professor, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University
  • Michael MASTANDUNO
    Professor, Dartmouth College
  • Margaret McKEAN
    Associate Professor, Duke University
    Professor, University of California Berkeley
  • Steven REED
    Professor, Chuo University, Tokyo
  • Frances ROSENBLUTH
    Professor, Yale University
  • Leonard SCHOPPA
    Professor, University of Virginia
  • Arthur STOCKWIN
    Emeritus Fellow, University of Oxford

To unsubscribe

If you wish to unsubscribe from the SSJ-Forum mailing list, please click on the following link:

Delivery Problems
If messages sent to your address start to be returned, the moderator will soon cancel your subscription. We have to do this in order to avoid being flooded with error messages from the mail system. When you have sorted out the delivery problem, please subscribe automatically as described above.

Updated April 8, 2008